
Academic Chat - Le digital et la politique: enjeux, défis et opportunités

In a new episode of Academic Chat, Professor Ouidade Sabri provides a detailed analysis of the complex relationship between digital technology and politics. Discover the challenges, opportunities, and implications that arise from this dynamic.

Regional Conference of Youth for Africa (RCOY AFRICA) at FGSES-UM6P Rabat Campus

Let's take a look back at the highlights from the Regional Conference of Youth for Africa (RCOY AFRICA), held from July 19th to 21st, 2024. This event was co-organized by African ID FGSES, the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC), the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS Morocco), and the Moroccan Youth Negotiators Council (MYNC) at the Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences – UM6P Rabat Campus.

FGSES Academic Chat - Peace Studies

In Episode 6 of Academic Chat, Professor Norman Sempijja shares valuable insights on Peace Studies.

Highlights from the outdoor SAC Monthly Meeting

The Student Activities Center (SAC) held its final monthly meeting of the academic year outdoors in Benslimane. In addition to discussing club activities, this gathering offered a unique opportunity for students to connect on a deeper level and reflect on a year filled with vibrant events and memorable experiences.

34th Annual Conference of ITFA

Reflecting on the 34th Annual Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association (ITFA), hosted by the Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS) at UM6P Rabat Campus. We were honored to have Abdelghni Lakhdar, General Secretary of Casablanca Finance City, and Thierry Warin, from IT&FA Board of Directors deliver the opening remarks. This event gathered scholars and researchers from around the world, providing a unique opportunity to address current challenges in international economics, trade, and finance. The conference was enriched with keynote speeches, engaging workshops, and insightful presentations, all focusing on the dynamic landscape of global trade and finance.

FGSES Student Clubs - Spotlight on Artscape Club

In this month's spotlight, we showcase the Club Artscape. Discover their main objectives, past accomplishments, current projects and future aspirations.

FGSES Academic Chat - Les instances de régulation au Maroc : rôle et positionnement institutionnel

Dans ce nouveau numéro d'Academic chat, Rabha Zeidguy, professeure de droit à la FGSES, nous livre un aperçu détaillé des instances de régulation économique et financière au Maroc.

Highlights from The ERF 30TH Annual Conference hosted BY AIRESS (April 21-23)

Relive the best moments of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) 30th Annual Conference, hosted by AIRESS from April 21st to 23rd at the Rabat Campus of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. This high-level conference Gathered esteemed scholars and experts, delving into the pressing theme of "Tragedies of Regional Conflicts and Promises of Peacebuilding: Responding to Disruptors and Enablers of MENA Development Pathway."

My Semester Abroad - FGSES Student Ghita Abid at Sciences Po Paris

Learn more about Ghita Abid's semester abroad at Sciences Po Paris.

FGSES Clubs - Spotlight on Club Caritatif & Educatif

In this month's spotlight, we showcase Club. Caritatif & Educatif. Discover their past accomplishments, witness their current projects and get a sneak peek of upcoming events.