

The Law concentration is designed for students who wish to strengthen their knowledge and mastery of legal tools, particularly in international law, comparative law (with a focus on Africa), civil law and environmental law.

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3: (LAW201) Public International Law
  • Semester 3: (LAW206) Droit Civil
  • Semester 4: (LAW301P) Introduction au Droit de la Régulation Economique et Financière
  • Semester 4: (LAW204P) Libertés Publiques et Droits Fondamentaux
  • Semester 5: (LAW305) Droit Administratif
  • Semester 5: (LAW310) Droit des affaires : Environnement Juridique et Institutionnel de l’Entreprise
  • Semester 6: (LAW306P) Introduction to Common Law

Political Economy and Development Studies

The Political Economy and Development Studies concentration aims to provide students with factual knowledge and basic tools offered by economics today to address the issue of development, particularly on the African continent, with an emphasis on an applied approach to the discipline.

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3: (ECO222) Introduction à l'Économie du Développement
  • Semester 3(ECO314P) Sustainable Development in Africa
  • Semester 4: (ECO205P) Macroéconomie du Développement
  • Semester 4: (ECO212P) Climbing a High Ladder - Development in the Global Economy (With Applications for Africa and Morocco)
  • Semester 5: (ECO204P) Development Microeconomics 
  • Semester 6: (ECO316P) Debates in Development

Decision and Behavior

The objective of the Decision and Behavior concentration is to transmit the knowledge accumulated today in the various disciplines that deal with decision making (behavioral sciences, economics, decision sciences, foresight), to develop concrete tools to assist decision making in public policy. 

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3: (BEH202) The pitfalls of Decision-Making
  • Semester 3: (ECO214) Théorie des jeux: Approches Stratégiques
  • Semester 4: (DAT204) Experimental Psychology: Design and Data Collection
  • Semester 4: (POL206) Accompagner le Changement dans les Politiques Publiques
  • Semester 5: (BEH201) Human Nature: Mind, Behavior, Society
  • Semester 6: (ECO315P) Decision Making Under Uncertainty


The Business concentration allows students to complete their training in the major areas and functions of business management: marketing, finance, management, business law and the art of negotiation in business.

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3: (ECO216P) Performance Financière et Création de Valeur
  • Semester 3: (ECO223) Économie Managériale 
  • Semester 4: (LAW301P) Introduction au Droit de la Régulation Economique et Financière
  • Semester 4: (MAN201P) Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Semester 5: (LAW310) Droit des affaires : Environnement Juridique et Institutionnel de l’Entreprise
  • Semester 6: (MAN301P) Stratégie de l'entreprise

Data Analysis for Politics

The Data analysis for politics concentration trains students to use the wide range of quantitative tools available today to analyze political phenomena in the broadest sense: Data analysis, Field data, Surveys, Questionnaires, Polls, and Data mining.

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3(DAT201P) Analysis in Data Science
  • Semester 3(DAT202P) Data Mining 
  • Semester 4(DAT207) Machine Learning and Neural Networks
  • Semester 4: (DAT208) Computational Political Science 
  • Semester 5: (SOC301) L'Enquête: Analyse des Données
  • Semester 6(BEH301) Experimental Psychology: Data Analysis

Political Science

The Political Science concentration offers training designed to deepen, on one hand, knowledge in a few fundamental areas of political science (notably political systems, the interplay of political actors, and opinion and social movements) and on the other hand, knowledge of public policies, their development, implementation and evaluation.

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3: (POL201) Institutions Politiques Marocaines
  • Semester 3(POL203) Politique et Economie
  • Semester 4: (POL204) Comparative Politics: Regime, Upheaval and Transformation
  • Semester 4(POL205) Le Jeu des Acteurs Politiques Economie
  • Semester 5: (ANT301P) Pouvoir et Société au Maroc
  • Semester 6(POL304) Les Politiques Publiques: Elaboration, Mise en Oeuvre et Evaluation

International Relations

The International Relations concentration aims to deepen factual and theoretical knowledge of international relations, with a focus on geopolitics and development in Africa, foreign policy, and the fundamental issues raised by global governance.
The multiplicity of choices offered through the wide range of possible combinations of "fields" and "concentrations" reinforces the autonomy and responsibility of students in making their own decisions and constructing the path they choose for their education. It also gives them an essential skill to evolve in a complex world, constantly changing. This is the major ambition of these training programs: to create the right conditions for students to develop sustainable attitudes that will enable them to continue learning throughout the path they will take after university, thus contributing to a profound renewal of the methods, horizon and spirit of public policies at the national level and on the African continent.

Courses for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Semester 3(INT201) Foreign Policy Analysis
  • Semester 3(INT202) Theories of International Relations 
  • Semester 4: (INT203) Geopolitics of Africa 
  • Semester 4: (INT204) Organisations Internationales
  • Semester 5(ECO305) Geo-Economics – Economics as a Tool of Strategic Competition
  • Semester 6: (ECO310) Défis Socio-Economiques de l'Afrique