Mission and Scope

Skills Cluster for Agile Learning in Economics & Social Sciences, commonly known as SCALES, is part of the wider ecosystem of Faculty of Governance, Economic and Social Sciences located on the UM6P Rabat Campus.

SCALES’ overarching task is the development, enhancement and consolidation of key skills for a well-rounded education at Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences, FGSES.

SCALES offers Skill-based programs in a broad range of areas; from multilingual ability and cross-cultural awareness, study skills with focus on time management, academic writing and oratory, statistical and data analytics & coding , interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, media and information literacy as well as first-hand exposure to the dynamics of the workplace and spheres of public policy making.

The driving force behind SCALES is the conviction that knowledge in the discipline(s), when cross-fertilized with the relevant skills, yields knowledge-able and response-able individuals ready to face the challenges lying ahead either while academic residence or even beyond and well into the workplace. 

We take full account of the profound changes the global knowledge gateway has witnessed lately. We are also well aware of the ways the workplace has had to adjust and become less of a place but more of an activity that harnesses the power of technology and communication and bring co-workers around processes where agility, efficiency and speed are the order of the day. 

We therefore constantly strive to ensure that our students are pre-prepared to ride the waves of such sea changes and equip them with the essential tools and skills to achieve the ultimate outcome: knowledge-ability coupled with response-ability.