Fil d'Ariane
Emmanuel TROUCHE
Assistant Professor
[email protected] Téléchager le CVEmmanuel Trouche is an Assistant Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
Within the Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS), he deploys experimental methods to study the cognitive mechanisms underlying learning, reasoning, and decision-making. He is co-Principal Investigator of a research project called PASEM, which aims at creating and experimenting new methods for improving children’s mathematical and reading skills in Arabic in the first years of the Moroccan public school.
After an initial training in mathematics and a Master’s degree in cognitive science from the CogMaster Program (ENS / EHESS / Paris 5), he obtained in 2016 a Doctorate degree in psychology at the Cognitive Science Institute of Lyon (CNRS). He used experimental methods to study over-confidence, reasoning and argumentation under the supervision of Prof. Hugo Mercier and funded by the French Ministry of Defense.
He was a postdoctoral fellow in developmental psychology at Yale University for two years. He worked in the Cognition and Development Lab led by Prof. Frank Keil on the cognitive mechanisms underlying learning of science in schools.
For two years, he assisted Prof. Emmanuel Sander to create a new curriculum in mathematics for French first-graders and test it at the national level. He applied research in cognitive science and didactics into pedagogical material and trainings for teachers regarding problem solving activities (ACE-Arithmécole).
Before joining the FGSES, he was a contractual lecturer at Cergy Paris University, training teachers and future teachers in learning psychology.
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (BEH102) Sciences Comportementales
- (BEH202) The Pitfalls of Decision-Making
- (BEH502) Behavioral Insights for Public Policy in Africa
- (DAT505) Experimental Psychology: Advanced Data Analysis 1
- (RES600) PFE