Fil d'Ariane
Dominique Guillo
Full Professor
[email protected] Téléchager le CV- Vice-Dean, Behavioral Science for Public Policy
- Director of the Master’s in Behavioral and Social Sciences for Public Policy
- Director of the PhD Program in Behavioral and Social Sciences
Dominique Guillo is an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
He is professor of sociology and head of the research program Mind, Society and Public Policy of the Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS). He is also senior research fellow at the french National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris Saclay (Cachan), where he studied economics, social sciences and philosophy, Dominique Guillo is an agrégé professor of economics and social sciences. He received a PhD in sociology and History of science from Paris-Sorbonne University. His research focuses on the links between biology, cognitive science and social sciences. On these topics, he led several research programs and has written eight books and a series of scientific papers. In 2009, he received an award (Grand Prix de Philosophie et d’éthique) from the Académie française for one of these books. His research currently focuses on how the knowledge recently accumulated on individual and collective behavior in the behavioral and social sciences can contribute to questions that are central in public policy, as they arise on the African continent, particularly in the fields of education and environment.
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (SOC101) Analyse des Sociétés Contemporaines