Fil d'Ariane
Mohamed Benabid
Professor of Practice
[email protected] Téléchager le CVMohamed Benabid is a Professor of Practice at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.
He has nearly three decades of experience in the media landscape, including 15 years as Editor-in-Chief of L’Economiste. He holds a double PhD in Management Sciences from ISCAE and in Information & Communication Sciences from Université Paris VIII. He is a graduate of the journalism school of Strasbourg. His multidisciplinary profile has led him to embark on a parallel career in education, where he has been sharing his expertise for over 15 years, teaching various modules such as strategic management, corporate geostrategy, geopolitics, political communication, entrepreneurship, microeconomics, crisis management and communication, and quantitative research methodology in management sciences.
In February 2024, he was appointed by the Moroccan government as a member of the permanent commission for the continuous renewal and adaptation of curricula, programs, and training. He is also a member of the Advisory Group on Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Gender Approach within the Casablanca City Council, associate editor of the academic journal Cogent Social Sciences (Taylor & Francis group) and Management & Innovation (peer-reviewed, indexed on the Cairn database). Furthermore, he is a member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
He is the co-author of four books: Africa Positive Impact, Agir pour un meilleur impact sociétal, Un Chemin Marocain 1999-2019: Parcours d’un Royaume en transformation, Hymne au Management, and Les Industries Culturelles et Créatives Africaines à l’épreuve des dynamiques de plateformisation. He has also published several peer-reviewed papers as well as policy briefs in the fields of management, geopolitics, and media issues. His academic interests revolve around media studies, with a renewed focus on the digital age, encompassing both micro and macro structures.
For the academic year 2022-2023
- (POL610) Communication Stratégique et Opinions Publiques
- (POL005E) Fake News et Démocratie
- (POL609) Communication Politique et New Médias
- (BEH501) Debate Workshop: Evidence-Based Argumentation and Communication