Electives course list

Year Course Code Professor Semester Program Language
Year 3 Systèmes de Santé et Assurance Maladie ECO002ELM GUEDIRA Najib Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 La Diplomatie des Questions Globales INT011ELM EL MHAMDI Ali Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Fake News et Démocratie POL005ELM BENABID Mohamed Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Marché des Capitaux: Techniques et Organisation ECO003ELM TANOUTI Mouad Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Emerging Global Security Governance INT012EM SEMPIJJA Norman Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Gouvernance territoriale et performance de l'action publique locale POL007ELM EL KHAZZANI Driss Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Évaluation des Projets Publics ECO005ELM BOUMAHDI Ilyes Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 The African Union and its institutions INT013ELM KIROS Kidane Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Negotiation and Cooperation POL009ELM LOULICHKI Mohammed Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Planification et Politiques Economiques pour le Développement Local et Régional ECO006EM JAIDI Larabi Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Thinking and Understanding our Mutating World for Action: Cross Perspectives (III) INT016EM EL AYNAOUI Karim Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 Penser le Futur et Agir au Présent POL010EM DURANCE Philippe Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Biens Publics Mondiaux et Aide Internationale ECO013ELM KAMILI Abdelkabir Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 The Geopolitics of Natural Resources INT019EM AUGE Benjamin Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 Analyse des Grandes Questions de Société SOC002ELM PEREZ Déborah Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Économie Industrielle ECO317 SINACEUR Fayçal Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Global Governance in the 21st Century: A critical Overview INT020EM BELHAJ Ferid Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Le Social dans le Développement SOC004ELM GUEDIRA Najib Winter term Electives French
Year 3 Genèse et Développement de l'État HIS002ELM GHOUIRGATE Mehdi Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Diplomatic Practice - Strategies and Techniques of International Negotiation INT021ELM ZAHID El Hassane Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Histoire Politique du Maroc HIS003ELM CHEGRAOUI Khalid Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 The Political Economy of Climate Change INT022EM ISBELL Paul Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Introduction to Area Studies INT001ELM SEMPIJJA Norman Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 Libertés Publiques et Droits Fondamentaux LAW004ELM MOUAQIT Mohammed Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Area Studies: l'Afrique INT002ELM EL HOUDAIGUI Rachid Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Droit International Economique LAW005ELM GHOUFRANE Azzedine Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 The Mediterranean in the 21st Century INT003ELM MARTIN Ivan Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 Droit International Humanitaire LAW006ELM TRAORE Sâ Benjamin Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Area Studies: The Atlantic INT004ELM ISBELL Paul Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 La Gestion des Grands Challenges Sociétaux MAN004EM ERRAMI Youssef Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Multilateral Organization and Global Challenges: Threat and Opportunity INT005ELM STOPFORD Michael Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 Ethics and Decision PHI002ELM POROT Nicolas Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 International Migration: Policy, Governance and Development Issues INT008ELM MARTIN Ivan Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Les Grandes Thématiques de la Pensée Politique Musulmane POL001ELM MOUAQIT Mohammed Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 Leadership, Power and Inequality ANT501 GARFIELD Zachary Winter Term Electives English
Year 3 Introduction à la Géopolitique INT009ELM MACHROUH Jamal Fall Term Electives French
Year 3 Argumentation et Pensée Critique POL002ELM BENABID Mohamed Winter Term Electives French
Year 3 African Arts, Heritage and Literature ART001ELM MKINSI Mourad Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 China and Africa INT010ELM ALVES Ana Cristina Fall Term Electives English
Year 3 Post-Colonial Studies POL003ELM BOUNAHAI Najib Fall Term Electives English
Year Name Code Professor School semester Program Language