Fil d'Ariane
Undergraduate Program in Behavioral Science for Public Policy
The "Behavioral Science for Public Policy" program aims to train new profiles, which meet growing public policy needs: the need to understand populations, their preferences, their anticipations, their opinions, their reasonings, their behaviors, the influence that individuals can exert on one another, the biases that can affect their judgments or the collective phenomena that emerge from their multiple interactions.
Understanding these phenomena is central to policy making in the fields of education, sustainable development, public communication, access to employment or health, local development, environment, internal or international security, regulation of information on social networks, political communication, voting or the participation of populations in public policies.
The program of this undergraduate degree was designed to meet this need and this new demand, and to offer its graduates the possibility of seizing the increasingly numerous opportunities offered in today's world. The undergraduate degree as at the forefront of a recent international trend, including at some of the world’s most renowned universities, of developing similarly oriented programs.
La licence Sciences comportementales pour les politiques publiques vise à former des profils nouveaux, qui répondent à un besoin croissant dans les différents domaines abordés par les politiques publiques : le besoin de comprendre sur des bases scientifiques précises et solides, les populations, leurs préférences, leurs anticipations, leurs opinions, leurs raisonnements, leurs comportements, l’influence que les individus peuvent exercer les uns sur les autres, les biais qui peuvent affecter leurs jugements ou encore les phénomènes collectifs qui émergent de leurs multiples interactions.
- Next intake September 25
- Deadline to apply March 2025
- Language of instruction English & French
- Duration 3 years
- ECTS 180
Why choose our program ?
Innovative Approach to Shaping Public Policy through Behavioral Science
The Behavioral Science for Public Policy program offers a unique opportunity to explore how human behavior influences key policy areas such as health, education, sustainability, and security. By combining insights from psychology and behavioral economics, the program trains students to understand how biases, social dynamics, and individual decision-making impact public policy outcomes.
Career Opportunities
This undergraduate degree is intended to train a new kind of leaders, with skills that are highly sought after on the job market today. The skills acquired in this program lead to executive/technician jobs in the analysis of data collected from populations, in the public sector (administrations, ministries, local authorities) as well as in the private sector, both nationally and locally.
International Mobility
At FGSES, we prioritize global engagement by offering exchange programs starting in the third year, allowing students to spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities worldwide. These opportunities enrich students' academic experiences and provide valuable advantages for their future careers.
A word from our students
Courses & Program structure
Program Structure
Program Coordinator


Behavioral and Social Sciences


Behavioral and Social Sciences

Behavioral and Social Sciences


Behavioral and Social Sciences





Political Science
Semester 1
- (ECO101) Introduction à l'Analyse Economique
- (HIS103) Le Monde : Une Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine
- (LAW101) Introduction à l'Etude du Droit
- (POL101) Introduction à la Science Politique
- (RES101) Méthodes d'Apprentissage Appliquées
- (DAT104) Statistiques Descriptives et Probabilités (Prerequisite and fundamental at the same time)
Semester 2
- (BEH102) Introduction to Behavioral Science
- (INT102) Introduction to International Relations
- (RES102) L’écriture à l’ère digitale
Semester 3
- (BEH201) Human Nature: Mind, Behavior, Society
- (BEH202) The Pitfalls of Decision-Making
- (ECO214) Théorie des jeux : approche stratégique
- (ECO221) Microeconomics for Behavioral Sciences
- (SOC301) L'enquête: Analyse des Données
- (RES201S) Composing an Undergraduate Thesis
Semester 4
- (DAT204) Experimental Psychology: Design and Data Collection
- (DAT205) L’enquête : Conception et collecte des données
- (DAT301) Social Network Analysis
- (ECO217) Introduction à l'Analyse d'Evaluation d'Impact
- (BEH301) Experimental Psychology: Data Analysis
Semester 5
- (ECO312) Behavioral Economics
- (POL203) Politique et économie
- (LAW305) Droit administratif
Semester 6
- (POL206) Accompagner le Changement dans les Politiques Publiques
- (POL302) Public Opinion, Elections and Voting
- (POL304) Les Politiques Publiques: Elaboration, Mise en Œuvre et Evaluation
- (SOC202) Analyse des Grandes Questions de Société
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 5
- (RES300) PFE / Thesis
Semester 6
- (RES300) PFE / Thesis
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 6
Semester 2
Semester 2
- (DAT105) Principes d'Inférence Statistique (Prerequisite)
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At Faculty of Governance, Economics, and Social Sciences, we offer tailor-made programs designed to help you become a future leader and achieve academic excellence.